STAGES ATHLETE: syd schulz
Syd Schulz is a professional enduro mountain bike racer and lifestyle athlete. She travels around the world and the US to race and ride the best trails possible. She joined Jamis Factory Race Team in 2016.
BASE: Taos, New Mexico

Syd Schulz rides the Stages Carbon Power and SB20 Smart Bike.
It’s great to be able to compare my Stages Power Data with other training tools like heart rate. Looking at how these two respond to one another helps my coach and I know when to push and when to take a rest week.
Greatest obstacle?
My greatest obstacle is probably my mind. And my greatest fear is never finding out what I’m capable of.
PERSONAL MOTTO: Be uncomfortable.
WORST TRAINING MOMENTS: The workouts where you absolutely can’t hit your numbers for some reason or another. Those days suck.
FAVOURITE FOOD: Some sort of pasta with lots of veggies.