Stages Signature Rides | Free Indoor Cycling Workouts
- By Amber Jaworsky
- Apr 17, 2023
Your Next Class is Covered.
Whether you’ve been teaching for one month, one year, or fifteen years, keeping your classes innovative and fresh can be exhausting.
Let our Master Educator team take the guesswork out of planning your next class with Stages Signature Rides!
What are Stages Signature Rides?
Stages Signature Rides are carefully designed templates for indoor cycling instructors to use in their classes. Every class is created by a Stages' Master Educator and aligns with best practice guidelines. Each template comes with everything you need to deliver an amazing class experience, including:
- Class plan
- Timing for each segment
- Cueing & instructions
- Music suggestions
The best part is that they are entirely free!
Get Our Most Recent Ride Below.
Naughty & Nice
Our Naughty & Nice Signature Ride perfectly blends fat-burning efforts with heart-pumping intervals to provide a challenging, yet effective workout for your body and mind.
Rides that alternate between light steady work and anaerobic intervals provide several benefits, including:
- Improved cardiovascular fitness: Alternating intervals challenge your heart and lungs to work harder.
- Increased endurance: Steady-state work and high-intensity intervals increase your endurance and ability to sustain effort over longer periods.
- Improved muscle strength and endurance: Anaerobic intervals tap into your leg muscles and produce big strength and endurance gains.
- Enhanced fat burning: Light, steady work increases your metabolism and promotes fat burning, both of which help you to achieve your weight loss goals.
- Better mental focus and stress relief: The anaerobic portions of this workout are purposeful, not just for the body, but also for the mind. Distractions and stress become a thing of the past as you focus on pushing through the intervals, all the while knowing that a nice recovery block is on the other side.

High & Low
The High & Low Signature Ride is one of our favorites because it allows your riders to economize their effort while maximizing the benefits of high-intensity threshold training.
This rich rate of perceived exertion (RPE) template empowers riders to hit a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10 and then dials things back the intensity to a 3-5. This straightforward format holds no secrets. Riders can trust that lighter work is just beyond the harder effort, enabling them to train hard and reap the benefits of the higher RPE segments. The ebb and flow nature of this ride gives riders a feeling of accomplishment, without having to go home to take a nap to recover.
Give it a try and let us know what you think.

30-Second Intervals
Here are five reasons we love our 30-Second Interval ride:
- Increases cardiovascular fitness: Intervals improve your heart and lung function, leading to a stronger cardiovascular system.
- Improves endurance: Intervals help you train at higher intensities for longer periods of time, improving your endurance.
- Time-Efficient: Interval training provides a high-intensity workout in a shorter period of time compared to longer, steady-state workouts.
- Burns a ton of calories during and after the ride is over
- Variety: Intervals add variety to your indoor cycling workout, and keep your riders engaged and motivated.

Descending Intervals
What are Descending Intervals?
Descending Intervals can produce big-time gains in your student’s speed and power. Like most High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts, Descending Intervals alternate between high intensity and lower intensity segments of work, but what makes them unique is that the high intensity intervals get shorter as the workout progresses. The efforts are short, and both the effort and recovery durations change throughout the class, which requires your riders to stay focused on what they’re doing. Active and engaged riders are happy riders, so give this ride a try and let us know what you think.

If you are looking for an efficient way to expand your student’s aerobic ceiling, look no further than this month’s signature ride!
Stages’ Ladder ride synthesizes three effort segments:
- Comfortable effort: fully aerobic, fat burning, sustainable
- Moderate effort: mostly aerobic, calorie burning, decreasing sustainability
- Hard effort: aerobic/anaerobic mix, glucose burning, not sustainable
It might sound intense, but this class is more bark than it is bite. The structure is not only fun and motivating, but it also produces true cardiovascular gains.
Trust us; you and your students will love it!

HIIT & Steady
There’s a reason why everyone’s talking about High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): it works!
The simple combination of short bursts of fierce effort, followed by periods of rest gives the entire body, especially the heart, a great workout. Stages’ HIIT & Steady Ride crushes calories by combining the perfect amount of intervals with strength-building steady-state efforts.
Give it a try and let us know what you think.