How do you attack a race when you're already goihng full gas? That's what moto-pacing is for. This is an advanced workout and requires good bike handling.
If Tiffany Pezzulo could race every day, she would. Unfortunately only racing can make us slow by digging holes or eroding our base. So no matter who you are, we all have to train in order to have our best races. So here's a workout that will feel like a race, but will do the work to get you and keep you fast.
As we all know, cyclocross racing is about strategically balancing your all-out efforts with those times you should be coasting and recovering to do go all out again. So out of utility, interval training for cyclocross is about big efforts, minimal rest, and more big efforts.
Last year the Stages Office won multiple World Championship titles after Master Track Worlds. But Pat Warner, Stages VP of Product came back empty-handed. That wasn't going to happen in 2018. Here's how he prepped for this year's event.
Stages Link is changing. It's got a new look, new features, and soon you'll be able to access Pro Workouts from the best athletes in the world like Spencer Paxson, Rose Grant, Erin Huck, Callum Millward and more!
Coach and rider Kristin Arnold of The Meteor//Intelligentsia shares her "race winning" intervals. These intense efforts are the perfect way to simulate what it feels like to make a break stick.
Power Education Specialist Benjamin Sharp talks about using Micro Intervals to simulate the demands of racing. These 10-15 minutes pieces consist of alternating Zone 3 and Zone 5 work.